

Last time updated 2nd/04 2020

Beauty does not make happy the one who possesses it, but the one who can love and adore it.

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It is a fictitious brand for the sale of perfumes, this website is about a virtual store where you could find different fragrances, focused on a female audience.Definitely, choosing a perfume without smelling it is a challenge, you have to remember the smells or go to your imagination, which is also a huge challenge for online specialty perfume stores to sell their products.To solve this problem I opted to go to the empathy of the users who wanted to buy a perfume online. The first thing I implemented were beautiful images of natural landscapes that evoked special or desirable moments, also photos of very attractive people with a photo edition that gave this aspect of being in a dream.

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The next step was to implement questionnaires with micro-segmentation so that the algorithm on the page can show the user the best perfumes according to their profile.

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